What To Expect
We are always excited to see visitors join us! We want you to feel welcome and comfortable when you’re here!
What should I wear?
You’ll find many of our members wearing a suit or shirt and tie while others will be wearing jeans. You wear whatever you’re comfortable with and we’ll be glad you’re here to worship God with us no matter what clothes you decide to wear.
What do I need to bring?
Nothing but an open heart and a desire to build your relationship with Christ! A Bible would be helpful, but you are welcome to use one from the back of a pew with the songbooks.
Where do I park?
When you arrive, you’ll find parking in the front of the building with overflow in the back. Handicap spots are available to the left of the main entrance.
*Note: The rear entrance doors are locked during service! Please come to the main entrance after 9:00am!
Head on in and you’ll be greeted by one of our members at the door!
When should I arrive?
Worship begins at 9:00 am on Sunday morning, but it would be helpful to arrive a few minutes early to find a seat and meet some of our members. Sunday evening service begins at 6:00pm and Wednesday night Bible study begins at 6:30 pm.
Where do the kids go?
During worship, there is a nursery available just outside the auditorium doors. If your infant gets rowdy, feel free to utilize that room to calm them down. But don’t feel obligated to use it. The sound of youth in the church is the sound of the future of the church!
What about Bible classes?
Our Bible classes begin around 10:15 on Sunday morning after service. The adult class meets in the auditorium and is taught by Jon or one of our other members. Youth classes are down the hallway under the stairs. If you have trouble finding the correct class for your child, feel free to poke your head in a door and ask a teacher for help!